General |
What is a domain name? |
domain name is essentially a signpost
on the Internet. Every website you've
ever been to, and every email you've
ever composed, has used a domain name
in its address. Once a domain name is
registered to a person or company, it
is that person's to use exclusively
as long as they continue to pay the
yearly renewal fee. Our domain name
is udomain.com, and we also own udomain.com.hk.
Who is involved in getting my domain name? |
Once you've applied
for the name, UDomain.COM accepts payment,
processes the order with the corresponding
registrar, and then the domain name
is registered to you. This process can
generally be completed within one business
day. For some country specific domain names, the domain will not be ready until all documents required are submitted and verified. It takes around two business days.
What's the difference between a UDomain.COM
registered domain name and a Network Solutions
(NSI) registered domain name? |
There's no difference
between a name registered with UDomain.COM
and a name registered with Network Solutions.
Network Solutions is currently better
known because they ran the first domain
registration business without competition
for a number of years.
Who does a registered domain name actually
belong to, the end user or UDomain.COM? |
Domain names
are not truly owned -- they're leased
out on a first-come, first-served basis,
and remain with the initial lessee until
either a) the lessee does not renew
the name, or b) a business with a trademark
of the same name demonstrates a greater
claim to the name than the lessee can
demonstrate. The question is better
phrased as 'who can control the domain
name'. With UDomain.COM, the answer
is the domain's Administrative Contact.
This is usually specified by the registrant
during the registration process.
For more about Registrant Rights and Responsibilities of Domain, please refer to ICANN's website:
How much control do domain owners? |
Domain owners,
in general, have full control over their
registered domain names. This means
that the domain owner has the power
to: a) Change admin/technical and billing
contacts for the domain. b) Change ownership
of the domain. c) Change the nameservers
that are authoritative for the domain.
d) Change the password that enables
a, b, c above.
What's the difference between .com, .net,
.org domain names? |
Originally, the
three letter extensions after the dot
(or Top Level Domain/TLD) were meant
to denote whether the domain name was
being used for business (.com) charity/non-profit
(.org) or for a technology based company
(.net). However, with the explosion
of the Internet (and specifically, the
world wide web) as a new business medium,
the lines were blurred, and companies
and individuals alike started cross-registering
domains (ie. Me.com, me.net, me.org)
just to protect their interests. Now,
.com, .net, and .org names (the generic
Top Level Domains) can be used for any
Apart from .com, .net, .org domain, are there any other types of domain?
What do they stand for? |
Yes, there are many other types of domain stand for different countries. For domain type details, please refer to http://www.udomain.com/en/faq/domainTypes.php
Does UDomain.COM register in any other
top level domains? |
Yes. Currently, UDomain.COM
offers registrations in various country
code top level domains (ccTLDs) (.us,
.cn, .hk, .ca, .tw, cc). |
What's a .biz domain name? |
As same as .com, .net or .org, .biz is one of the generic top-level domains. It is intended for registration of domains to be used by businesses. The name is a phonetic spelling of the first syllable of business. The biz TLD was created to relieve some of the demand for domain names in the com top-level domain, and to provide an alternative for businesses whose preferred domain name in com had already been registered by another party. |
Registration |
I just registered a new domain name. How
soon can use it? |
New domains and
changes to domains may take up to 12
hours for .COM, .NET, and .ORG domains
and about 24-48 hours for all other
domain extensions to become effective.
This is due to the number of networks
involved, and the fact that those networks
are controlled by several different
agencies. This delay applies to all
domains and all Registrars. Please allow
for this delay when planning Web sites
or configuring a domain to work with
your email. For some country specific
domain names, the domain will not be
ready until all documents required are
submitted and verified.
How do I pay for a domain name? |
UDomain.COM accepts
VISA, Mastercard, AlipayHK, PayMe, WeChat Pay and UnionPay via our trusted secure
payment gateway. We also welcome payments
by PayPal as well as direct deposit into
our bank account.
If you have chosen to pay by bank deposit,
you will receive our email invoice
immediately after the registration.
Please settle the payment
as soon as possible. We can only process
your domain names after receiving your
payment. If you have any questions regarding
the payment method, please contact us
at billing@udomain.com.
When registering a domain name, why do
I have to fill in my personal contact
information? |
ICANN is the international
governing body for all domain names. ICANN
requires every registrar to maintain a
publicly accessible WHOIS directory displaying
all contact information for all domain
names registered. Therefore you are required
to fill in your real contact information
when registering a domain name. We will
also use your email address as the primary
contact information for important matters
like renewing of the domain name.
If you would like to protect your privacy
and do not wish to disclose your personal
contact information, you can consider
using our “Private Domain” service available
for any domains registered with UDomain.COM.
What should I fill in for the “Primary
DNS” and “Secondary DNS” fields? |
A domain name server
(“DNS”) is a server that knows exactly
where your website files are located and
therefore can guide all those who wishes
to visit your website to the web server
that stores the files of your website.
If you are using or planned to use UDomain’s
web hosting service, please fill in the
following as the Name Server
Primary DNS: ns1.udomain.com
Secondary DNS: ns2.udomain.com
For others, please consult your respective
web hosting company.
5. What is a premium domain? |
A premium domain name is a short, easy-to-remember, unique, easy-to-spell domain name that ends with a suffix (such as .com). These domains can bring more traffic to the website, are easier to search, help brand recognition and have investment value, premium domain names are more valuable than ordinary domains. For example, voice.com (valued at $30 million), tesla.com (valued at $10 million), etc.
6. How to register a premium domain? |
The registration process for premium domain names is the same with general domain names. The registration/transfer fees for premium domain names may fluctuate due to market demand. Please contact our customer service for specific prices based on the specific domain.
a Domain to UDomain.COM |
Why should I transfer a domain to UDomain.COM? |
There are various
benefits by transferring a domain to
- Manage all you domains in 1 account
- Access to our 24 x 7 telephone support
How do I transfer to UDomain.COM? |
process is very simple. All we require is for you
to respond to an email from your current registrar
authorizing the transfer. For details, please contact
us at sales@udomain.com.
Domain |
Where can I manage my domain names and
modify the contact information? |
You can login
to your account on the "Domain Management" page of
UDomain.COM. After login you will see
a list of domain names that you can
manage and modify.
What can I manage about a domain name?
There are a lot
you can do in the domain management
page. In particular you can do the following:
Register new domain name(s)
Renew existing domain name(s)
Modify WHOIS information
Modify name server
Lock domain name(s)
Hide your contact information with the
“Private Domain” function
Forward your domain to another web page
Setup your under construction page
Change advanced DNS settings
How do I add an “Under Construction” page
to my web site? |
The “Under Construction”
page is a free features for you to use
when your web site is still under development.
To setup, please login to your account
and select “Under Construction Page”.
I forgot my User Name and Password. How
can I retrieve it? |
You can request to
resend your user Name and Password to
your domain administrative email via our
web: https://www.udomain.com/en/manage/login.php |
Domain |
How do I renew a domain name? |
As early as 30 days in advance till your domain expiration date, UDomain.COM
will send you, by email, a renewal notice
with detailed payment instructions.
You can simply renew the domain by following
the instructions on the email. Alternatively,
you can login to your account, there you can select
the domain name(s) that you want to
How do I renew multiple domain names at
once? |
You can login
to your account and click the expiry date of your
domain to renew it. After that, you can select another
doamin name(s) that you want to renew.
What will happen if I forget to renew
the domain name before its expiration?
If a domain is not
renewed on or before its expiration date,
it will be placed in a status called “redemption
period” and the website and email accounts
associated with the domain name will instantly
become inaccessible. An expired domain
name will be in the redemption period
for 30 days. During this 30-day period,
the original domain registrant may retrieve
the domain name from deletion (for an additional restoration fee of HK$195-HK$2438, dependent upon different domain types) by contacting UDomain.COM.
After the 30-day redemption period
there is a 5-day pending delete phase.
When a domain is in this phase no one
can retrieve the domain and it cannot
be registered. After the 5-day pending
delete phase the Registry will release
the domain name back into the public
pool of available domain names.
Domain |
1. What is the difference between a “public”
and “private” registration?
ICANN is the international
governing body for all domain names. ICANN
requires every registrar to maintain a
publicly accessible WHOIS directory displaying
all contact information for all domain
names registered. That means your personal
information --- your name, home address,
phone number and email address – are made
available to anyone who wants to see it
– and it’s available 24 hours a day, everyday.
Your personal information is exposed to
spammers, scammers and a whole host of
unsavory characters.
But with a private domain registration,
you can keep your personal information
private and safe. With a private domain
registration, UDomain.COM registers
your domain in its name and becomes
the Registrant of record. Even though
UDomain.COM is the Registrant, YOU STILL
CONTROL the domain. You retain the FULL
BENEFITS of domain name registration
and retain the right to:
*Cancel, sell, renew or transfer your
domain name registration
*Set up the name servers for your domain
*Resolve disputes involving your domain
name registration
More importantly, with a private registration,
UDomain.COM’s name, address and phone
number are made publicly available in
the WHOIS directory --- and not yours.
However, UDomain.COM will not tolerate
any misuse of this service including
spamming, phishing, or other illegal
or inappropriate use.
How to add privacy to my existing domain
names? |
Simple. All you
need to do is to login to your account,
where you will see a list of domain
names under your control. Select the
domain name you would like to add privacy
and then apply the service.
3. Once I made my domain private, can
I change it back to public?
Yes. As long as you
subscribed to the “Private Domain” service,
you are free to swap your status between
public and private unlimited time during
the period of your subscription. However,
please note that it normally may take
up to 12 hours for the WHOIS record to
update this information after you initiate
the change. |
Lock |
What is a locked domain? |
Although your domains
are already securely managed, this option
allows you to lock your domain at the
Registry level. While in this state the
domain registration cannot be transferred,
nor can other aspects of the domain be
altered (such as your domain's name servers and ownership).
When a domain is locked you cannot
modify the name servers.
If you need to update name servers, please unlock your
domain name first. Selected domains
will be unlocked within 15 minutes.
How to add a lock to my existing domain
names? |
Simple. All you need
to do is to login to your account, where
you will see a list of domain names under
your control. Select the domain name you
would like to add privacy and then click
on "Additional Service" column. |
Forwarding |
What is domain forwarding? |
Forwarding a domain
name enables you to direct incoming
traffic from your parked domain to an
already existing web site. Thus, when
someone attempts to access your domain,
he or she is automatically redirected.
A parked domain is a domain name with
domain name servers (DNS) set to parked
and is using UDomain’s DNS servers.
There are situations in which you want
to direct your website to another websites.
For example, if you register another
domain name with a different extension,
you may want to forward it to your existing
web site.
How do I forward a domain name? |
In order to forward
a domain, you need to make sure the
DNS server of the domain is "ns1.udomain.com"
and “ns2.udomain.com”. Login to
your account and select additional service for such domain.
Proxy |
UDomain can provide partners domain proxy service to register various different domain types, domain name that using our domain proxy service is chargeable, the fee is HKD200 per domain per year.
DNS Hosting
What is DNS? |
DNS stands for Domain Name System,
while also referring to Domain Name Servers which translate human-friendly web addresses into machine-readable IP addresses.
For example, when you visit http://www.udomain.com in a browser,
your computer would need a DNS to retrieve the website’s IP address,
Without the help of DNS, you would only be able to visit us directly through our IP,
which is the sort of hassle we and you wouldn’t want our visitors to go through.
What can UDomain.COM’s DNS Hosting offer me? |
You’ll get full control of your DNS zones through our simple DNS management platforms online.
You can conveniently set up to 150 DNS records, allowing you to point domains and subdomains to whatever IP address you wish to.
What’s more, Our DNS experts will provide you round-the-clock professional advice on your DNS needs.
Can I still use DNS Hosting even if I’ve applied my domain through other companies or directly with a domain registry? |
Even if your domain is registered via other companies or directly with a registry,
we are confident that our cutting edge systems will help you improve the way you manage your domains.
To enjoy our DNS Hosting services, simply change your DNS server settings to: ns1.udomain.com and ns2.udomain.com.
How exactly will I be able to manage my domains? |
We’ll provide you with one of the most efficient & user-friendly domain management platforms in the market.
This web-based control panel allows you to manage up to 150 DNS records (including domain and subdomains), all you need to do is:
1. |
Change your domain name’s DNS record to ns1.udomain.com and
ns2.udomain.com in your domain registry
2. |
Enter your domain name records and the corresponding IP addresses which you
wish to direct to
3. |
Patiently wait for 24 – 48 hours for the Domain Name Servers around the world to
update |
I have no technical knowledge at all, what if something goes wrong? |
With a proven track record of 99.9% stability,
it’s difficult for our DNS servers to go wrong.
As UDomain prides itself in providing professional round-the-clock technical support,
our multilingual IT specialists are just a phone call away.
We’ll make sure you’d be fine!
What are the fees for DNS Hosting? |
For just HK$234 up per year,
you can enjoy the conveniences of managing 150 of your DNS records,
24/7 accessibility to your DNS zones,
and the reassurance of round-the-clock professional technical support.
How do I pay? |
UDomain.COM accepts VISA, Mastercard, AlipayHK, PayMe, WeChat Pay and UnionPay via our secured payment gateway or Paypal systems.
To pay by bank deposit,
you will receive our email invoice immediately after we’ve processed your application;
please settle the payment as soon as possible in order to receive your login name and password.
Any enquiries regarding payment methods are welcomed at: billing@udomain.com, also feel free to call our hotline at 2549 3777.
Program |
Who should join this program? |
Design House, Web Solutions companies
with frequent registrations done on
behalf of their clients. You can enjoy
our attractive volume discount rates
after joining our program.
How can I join the UPartner Program? |
Just fill out the sign-up form
and purchase RCU (Reseller Credit Unit), then you
become our partner immediately.
Each time you register a domain
name, your RCU will be deducted. You
can login into our UPartner page to
see your RCU balance. If there are
not enough quotas, you can simply purchase
new RCU through our fully automated
How can I settle the payments? |
We will send you
invoice every time you confirm to buy
quotas with us. You are required to settle
the payments as soon as possible in order
to activate your new RCU(s). |
Affiliate Program |
Who should join this program? |
ICP, and Personal
web site with high traffic. You can
earn referral fees for each domain name
registered with UDomain.COM through
our link on your Web site.
How does it work? |
Just fill out the form and you
can immediately become our Banner Affiliates. Please
login your account and simply put our predefined HTML
code at your web site and the program will automatically
Each time when visitors of your web
site click through the banners on your
web site and register a domain name.
It will be recorded and you will receive
30% revenue of all the orders. The more
visitors register, the more you will
earn from them. It!|s simply a win-win
revenue sharing model.
Can we know how many registrations done
by us through the banner? |
Yes, we will provide
you a login account. After login to
your account, you can
check the number of registrations and your commission immediately.
How often can we get the commission? |
We will issue a cheque
to you on the last working day of each
month if your account accumulates more
than US$50 of commission. |