There will be thousands of new types of gTLD available very soon, trademark owners will have to spend a lot of resource to handle trademark matters related to each new type of gTLD. Therefore, ICANN launched a central database-Trademark Clearinghouse (Also known as “TMCH”) specifically designed for the trademark owners who concern about the new types of gTLD.
Once trademark owners submitted trademark information to TMCH, if there are any new type of gTLD domain names which contain the submitted trademarks being registered, TMCH will notify the trademark owners. Also, the domain name registrants will also be warned that such registration may lead to an intellectual property infringement.
Submitting own trademark information to TMCH not only benefits from priority registration of new types of gTLD, this also protects your intellectual property from someone intend to register such domain names in bad faith.
When a domain name is newly registered or a domain name just expired, if that domain name consists of brand names, trademarks or any words you specified, we will notify you by email.
By monitoring domain name brands, you not only can proactively monitor your valuable brands, products or trademarks, to protect your intellectual property. This could also be used to monitor your competitors quietly about their domain name registrations, you gain knowledge about your competitors ahead of market trends.
Monthly Fee:
HK$150/up to 3 keywords
HK$400/up to 10 keywords
HK$900/up to 25 keywords