Thanks for your interest in becoming a partner of UDomain.COM. Please complete and submit this form in full. If you have any question about this process, please feel free to contact
Who should join this program?
ISP, ICP, Web Design House, Web Solutions companies with frequent registrations done on behalf of their clients. You can enjoy our attractive volume discount rates after joining our program.
How can I join the UPartner Program?
Just fill out the sign-up form and purchase RCU (Reseller Credit Unit), then you become our partner immediately.
Each time you register a domain name, your RCU will be deducted. You can login into our UPartner page to see your RCU balance. If there are not enough quotas, you can simply purchase new RCU through our fully automated interface.
How can I settle the payments?
We will send you invoice every time you confirm to buy quotas with us. You are required to settle the payments as soon as possible in order to activate your new RCU(s).